Voting Arts Lab is a collective of artists, musicians, and other creatives who believe in the power of arts to drive voter engagement and to save our democracy.

Our Projects in 2024: Zines and Posters

“Why Vote?” Zine

A creative booklet featuring diverse voices from youth across North Carolina, exploring why voting matters through art, comics, writing, and more.

VOTE NC Art Posters

Designed by young North Carolina artists, these posters celebrate democracy and encourage voting.

Why focus on youth?

Gen Z, our youngest voters in 2024, are passionate about civic engagement online but often don't make it to the polls. Traditional political messaging falls flat with them—they crave active involvement in shaping movements. Arts can bridge this gap.

We'll distribute these at live printing events and across college campuses, concerts, and festivals, including at two democracy-themed music festivals organized Common Cause NC.

Who we are

Voting Arts Lab was created by Amanda Levinson and Lissa Gotwals. We love art. We love creative projects that inspire people to vote. And we love experimentation. Hence, Voting Arts Lab was born in the winter of 2023.

We’ve counted on the support of an incredible number of organizations and people, including Common Cause NC, Center for Artistic Activism, People for the American Way, Tift Meritt, Cindy Palay, Bella Mead, Ellie Snow, Shannon Salentine, Belle Boggs, Nathan Golub, Bill Fick, Kendell Richmond Doyle, and plenty of donors who have made this tiny but might project possible.

And thank you, especially to the artists who have made this project a reality!